Cluster relations in a graph can be highlighted using gvmap.
This is a co-authorship graph. Each node is an author and an edge
exists between two authors if their names appear on a paper from one of
the International Symposia on Graph Drawing bewteeen 1994-2007. The
top 8 connected components are taken, and the graph is laid out using
sfdp. A map showing the clustering relationship is generated using
Note that input graph to gvmap must first be laid out, with overlap removed. E.g.,
sfdp -Goverlap=prism -Gcharset=latin1 gd_1994_2007_8comp.gv | gvmap -e | neato -Ecolor="#55555522" -n2 -Tpng > gd_1994_2007_8comp.png
More information about the algorithm behind gvmap is found here.